Mrs. Gila Ross is the Director of Women & Families for the Jewish Experience in Denver, Colorado. She has impacted lives in Germany, Canada, the UK, the US and is an acclaimed educator and coach to help transform relationships and lives.
You will love her vibrant, positive and relatable style. She has a passion for sharing the joy and relevance of Judaism and for positive parenting. Her Power Up! podcast was named top Jewish Podcast Worldwide and just launched the Confident Parent podcast.
Gila is the author of Living Beautifully, which navigates the complex terrains of life, providing the tools and principles to appreciate what is truly valuable, see obstacles as challenges, and guide readers toward a balanced life full of meaning, joy, and fulfillment. Drawing from the time-tested wisdom of Pirkei Avos, Gila Ross shows readers how to live beautifully despite the pressures and complexity of living a modern life.
You can download her free guide to Shabbat prep in an hour, filled with tips and recipes at