Inspiration Zone

Sparks of Torah

What an Offer!

The end of the parsha is a tremendously lengthy discussion of the different sacrifices that we must offer to Hashem. Of course, we must wonder why this discussion is mentioned at this point? Rabbeinu Bachya explains that when Moshe realized that he was not going into Eretz Yisroel he needed…

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Sparks of Torah

Just Do It!

Bilaam finally ‘convinces’ Hashem that he should be allowed to accompany the entourage sent by Balak to curse the Jewish nation. He is warned not to say anything except that which Hashem permits him to but he erroneously believes that he can ‘outsmart’ the Master of the Universe, a common…

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Sparks of Torah

First Place

This Shabbos we will read the parsha that discusses the upcoming month of Nissan. It is considered the first and foremost of the months of the year. What indeed is so significant about this month. Of course, we bring the special Passover sacrifice in this month, however why would that…

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Sparks of Torah

The Plateau

Purim is here with the masks and hamantashen. However, what is behind those masks. What is the essence of this incredibly exciting and joyous Yom Tov? R’ Yitzchok Luria better known as the AriZl suggests an amazing understanding of this special day. In Hebrew, the word Yom Kippur contains within…

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Sparks of Torah

Free Time?

This is the only parsha in the Torah that begins with this word “vayakhel” which means to gather together. The Midrash comments that Hashem instructed Moshe to assemble the people jointly on Shabbos and lecture them on the laws of Shabbos. It continues that future generations will derive from this…

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