The Sunday Experience

It’s not Sunday School. It’s the Sunday Experience.

For too many of us, Sunday school brings back unpleasant memories. The Sunday Experience is here to change all that. We give kids a positive Jewish educational experience, designed to imbue them with a strong Jewish identity for life.

  • Curriculum Includes

    Hebrew Reading and Musical Prayer Experience
    Parsha and Holidays
    Jewish Values

  • What to Expect

    Hands-on activities
    Arts and Crafts
    Drama and song
    Community gatherings and events

  • Warm and Welcoming Community:

    Taught by highly-trained, professional, nurturing teachers
    Opportunity to build Jewish friendships
    Educational programming for parents
    Shabbat and Holiday celebrations


Pre-Kindergarten through Bar/Bat Mitzvah
Sunday mornings, 10am-12:30pm throughout the school year,
with breaks for secular and Jewish holidays.
Located at BMH-BJ, 560 S Monaco Parkway, Denver, CO 80224

Get Started

To submit your application or to receive a free phone consultation with Rabbi Samuel and Gila Ross, click the buttons below: