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Rabbi Raphael Leban

Managing Director

For more than twenty years, Rabbi Leban has been an innovative community leader, teaching, inspiring and connecting Jews in Denver as the managing director of The Jewish Experience. Author of Torah Today, creator of Clean Speech Colorado, his dynamic classes on a wealth of Torah topics are captivating, transformational and uplifting. His credentials include the prestigious Mirrer Yeshiva, Ohr Lagolah Institute for teacher training, rabbinic ordination from the Bais Din of Jerusalem, English Language and Literature degree from the University of Virginia, and nomination for a Covenant Award. Rabbi Leban is also known as an expert skier, cholent chef, devoted husband and father of three.



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    Rabbi Leban's Famous Cholent


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    Weekly Classes

    Join Rabbi Leban at any of these weekly offerings

    SMS (Schatz Morning Service)

    Friday mornings at 7am
    399 S. Monaco Pkwy
    Named for Mike Schatz, ob”m, this friendly, weekly morning service is a great place to learn the fine art of davening, say kaddish, and pray for the wellbeing of the Jewish People together with your peeps.  Bagels, lox and often whitefish following the service.  Priceless.

    Lunch and Learn – Moses and Gefilte Fish

    Wednesdays at noon
    3900 E. Mexico Ave
    Join a growing group of professionals and friends for thoughtful discussion on Jewish topics of significance. Over pizza. Moral, ethical and practical issues to grapple with are provided.

    Daf Yomi Daily Tour of the Talmud

    Weekdays 6:00am, Sundays 7:00am.
    Kehilas Bais Yisroel
    295 S. Locust St. Join
    100,000+ students of Talmud around the world for a fast-paced, comprehensive look at the entire Talmud (takes 7.5 years) or join the ride for 1 tractate, 1 chapter, or just 1 page. Best way to find out what Judaism is really all about. Priceless.

    Matzah and Mesorah


    Passing the Taste of Time
    Wednesday nights at 7:45pm.
    TJE, 399 S. Monaco Pkwy.
    Ever wonder how Jewish life evolved from the verses of the Torah? Here’s your chance to experience as we cover the whole process from then to now. Priceless.

    Taste of Talmud

    Tuesday mornings at 8:30am
    399 S. Monaco Pkwy.
    Join the longest running Talmud study group in the west (49 years!) for your chance to experience the Talmud firsthand. No experience necessary. Bring questions and prepare to think. Priceless.


    Weekly via email
    Sign up to receive Rabbi Leban’s weekly email update on the Jewish Week. Simply click here to let Rabbi Leban know you’d like to receive his weekly Take5 emails. 

    Clean Speech Colorado

    In a world torn apart by division and strife, Clean Speech Colorado brings timeless lessons of Jewish mindful speech to communities across North America. Our 30-day education and awareness campaigns unite communities in making real and lasting improvements in the way we speak to build a more positive, respectful and peaceful world.

    Learn about Clean Speech Colorado