Adar 28, 5785
March 28, 2025
Parshas Pekudei
Candlelighting Time 7:02
After the recap of the entire handiwork of the Mishkan the Torah states that the people did as Hashem commanded, so did they do. Maharal Diskin questions the end of the verse that is repetitive that they indeed followed as they were directed to do. His explanation offers a tremendous insight into the caliber of the prominence of the people involved and into the eminence of the Mishkan itself. Usually in any construction there are mishaps or mistakes made in the process of the erection. When they built the Mishkan every step of the way was smooth sailing. Moshe detected with Divine inspiration that the workmanship did not encounter any difficulties or complications. This was certainly highly unusual and indicated that they merited Heavenly support for this venture. Certainly, it was exceedingly revealing that the building of the Mishkan had recreated the original connection that the people had with Hashem despite the Golden Calf calamity. Therefore, Moshe realized that their efforts were successful in bringing the Divine Presence into the camp and blessed them that indeed their endeavors would be efficacious. This degree of perfection was only possible because the workers focused intensely on their production and the Mishkan was at the center of their toil and effort. The Mishkan itself represented an incredible connection between Hashem and the nation, therefore, in the merit of its placement within the camp all went without any problems whatsoever.
Perhaps we can add the words of the Sforno that their efforts were productive because there was terrific harmony and unison in this project. The people donated and the artisans crafted. The joint determination of the nation created an edifice not only beautiful superficially, but ornate within its essence. As we know, every aspect of the Mishkan alluded to the various minutiae of the universe. The Mishkan was actually a mini-universe and the energy that was generated by its functioning served to invigorate and galvanize the entire cosmos. With such capability and proficiency, it is no small wonder that the venture went with such beracha.
The Torah later states again that the service of the Mishkan was completed. Nachmonides explains that the work was done with the same intent and concentration as though they were involved in the real service that would be done in the Mishkan upon its actual functioning. They weren’t just fashioning the different components of the Mishkan to be used when it was operational, rather they viewed their contribution as an immersion in the very Mishkan’s reality itself. That level of competence and passion created an environment that far surpassed the constraints of this world and its physical limitations.
Ohr Hachaim adds that the passion with which the people worked was such that even when the Mishkan was completed they were still impassioned to do more. A fiery enthusiasm was aroused within the nation and that fire of obsession to create a repository for Hashem incinerated the excitement and zeal they displayed by the Golden Calf disaster and therefore served as an atonement for that awful blemish on our record.
A wealthy man once told the Chofetz Chaim that he bequeathed his seforim to a particular Yeshiva and his tremendous fortune to his children. The Chofetz Chaim responded that the Yeshiva already has seforim but they need his money whereas he should leave his seforim for his children so that they will continue to learn after his passing.