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Telling our stories: Spotlight on Jenny Rosenberg

Jenny Rosenberg, Chair of The Women’s Experience Steering Committee, is a woman whose life is deeply rooted in Jewish values, guiding her work, family, and philanthropy. For Rosenberg, these areas are inseparable from her faith and heritage. “In philanthropy, all of my charitable donations go to Jewish organizations,” she says.



During the traveling in the desert, they were bereft of water and complained to Moshe that they were very thirsty. The only available water was bitter and unfit to drink. Moshe took a stick as commanded by Hashem which was caustic and tossed it into the water. The acerbic piece of wood actually sweetened the water allowing the people to quench their thirst.



The time had come for the nation to leave Egypt which was anyhow in ruins and almost completely destroyed. However, before they exited their house of bondage there was a request. At the time when Hashem informed Avrohom that his descendants would be enslaved a promise was made that they would be enriched with the spoils of Egypt.
