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Is Thirteen Really A Lucky Number

Amidst all the revelry of Chanukah, the donuts, latkes, parties, and Chanukah gelt we sometimes might forget what it is all about. Of course, we light the Menorah for eight days commemorating the miracle that the oil lasted for eight days.


What’s Next

   Yaakov sent Yosef to his brothers in Shechem. Although there was a degree of tension between him and his brothers, nonetheless he obeyed his father and went to check up on them. Eventually he became lost and encountered someone, unbeknownst to him that it was an angel, and he was told that they had relocated to Dosan.


We have nothing to fear but fear itself

This is a pretty common cliché with which we are familiar. However, did we ever think that our great Patriarch Yaakov would also suffer from fear? After all, Hashem guaranteed him that he would return to his father’s home safe and sound. Even though he was now facing a powerful adversary Eisav who was approaching with what seemed to be a formidable army, just as the Egyptian forces were routed when they left bondage, so too, Hashem could destroy them in an instant. And, of course, Yaakov was surely aware of this. So why was he frightened?
