
The time had come for the nation to leave Egypt which was anyhow in ruins and almost completely destroyed. However, before they exited their house of bondage there was a request. At the time when Hashem informed Avrohom that his descendants would be enslaved a promise was made that they would be enriched with the spoils of Egypt.

Taking The Lead

The situation in Egypt was precarious at best. Hard labor and oppression were the bread of affliction that our forefathers endured for generations. Battered by their taskmasters and bereft of leadership to inspire them life was difficult and challenging. Then a decree was proclaimed that the children, our future and legacy, should be tossed into the Nile and drowned.

The Language Barrier

When Yaakov and Eisav reported back to their father Yitzchok after his request to have a meal before he extended his blessing it is interesting to note the differences between their language. Yaakov spoke in a more direct fashion to his father while Eisav spoke in third person.


Eliezer was on a mission. Avrohom sent him back to his origins to find a wife for Yitzchok. Rivka appeared and seemed to fit the bill because she was so helpful and sincere which was exactly the wife that would suit Yitzchok. They went back to her house and were greeted by Lavan, certainly not an outstanding individual but Rivka’s brother.

The Necessity of Wealth

Perhaps one of the biggest questions of life is why are some people blessed with wealth while others struggle financially. Are those who have difficulty making ends meet necessarily evil people that don’t deserve an easier life? Or is there a more profound answer to this question?

Neglecting The Unforgettable

The flood was a global devastation. Mankind was fundamentally eradicated. Only a few select people survived that horrific situation. Yet can we blame the people of that generation? Did they realize the extent of their sins or even imagine the eventual punishment that they would incur?


This week we are introduced to the mitzvah of bringing the first fruits to the Beis Hamikdash. The farmer brings them and places the basket brimming full of his produce by the altar expressing his thanksgiving to Hashem for his bounty. He articulates a litany of previous episodes in our history regaling the kindness of Hashem throughout our past.


We are allowed to offer voluntary sacrifices in the Beis Hamikdash. After our decision to self-obligate then we must fulfill our mandate. Postponing that commitment is prohibited and if one does delay its fulfillment after a certain period of time, than he transgresses the mitzvah of a self-imposed vow.