The Absolute Expression

The well-known declaration that we have used for generations voicing our undying passion and love for Hashem is found in this parsha. Shema, which many of our nation have cried out before sacrificing their lives to sanctify Hashem encompasses a tremendous commitment and devotion accepting Hashem as the omnipotent king of the entire universe.

Are We Home?

We are in the midst of one of the greatest calamities of all time, the loss of our Batei Mikdash. Both were destroyed on the same day, Tisha B’av, not a coincidence. When the spies debunked the idea of going to Eretz Yisroel and the entire nation wept bitter tears, they ripped out their innermost attachment to Eretz Yisroel.

What an Offer!

The end of the parsha is a tremendously lengthy discussion of the different sacrifices that we must offer to Hashem. Of course, we must wonder why this discussion is mentioned at this point? Rabbeinu Bachya explains that when Moshe realized that he was not going into Eretz Yisroel he needed to inform them of these important matters, attending to the service in the Mishkan and later the Beis Hamikdash.

Just Do It!

Bilaam finally ‘convinces’ Hashem that he should be allowed to accompany the entourage sent by Balak to curse the Jewish nation. He is warned not to say anything except that which Hashem permits him to but he erroneously believes that he can ‘outsmart’ the Master of the Universe, a common mistake that many evil people make!

Is That Really True?

This week’s parsha introduces a novel concept that is really incredibly difficult to comprehend. In fact, it is so complex that even the great mind of King Solomon, the wisest of all men could not grasp this mitzvah. Our Sages tell us that only Moshe was able to fully understand the depth of this mitzvah.

That’s Going Too Far

   The upheaval that Korach caused went far beyond his actual claims against Moshe. His dispute centered upon the seat of power in the nation. He contested Moshe’s authority, Ahron’s appointment as the Kohen Gadol and of course that his cousin was selected to be the head of his particular branch of the Levites. Many prominent members of the people mistakenly supported his mutiny and their punishment was not deferre  and it was swift and exacting. However, there were also secondary damages that occurred due to his insurgency.

Make Sure You Are In The Right Gear

The main cause for the appearance of tzora’as, a skin infection, is due to loshon hora, or slanderous speech. The offender is sentenced to remain isolated outside the entire camp of Israel until he repents and then miraculously, the malady will disappear and he will be allowed to enter. Why is his punishment so severe?

First Place

This Shabbos we will read the parsha that discusses the upcoming month of Nissan. It is considered the first and foremost of the months of the year. What indeed is so significant about this month. Of course, we bring the special Passover sacrifice in this month, however why would that make the month itself so important?

Seeing Red!

After an enjoyable and lively Purim, we begin our ascent to the Yom Tov of Pesach. Of course, there is a lot more work that Pesach entails such as clearing the house of any remaining chometz and kashering the kitchen and buying only specially made food products for Pesach. There is another facet to this wonderful Yom Tov that is not extant at this time.