Our Future

The Midrash states that when Avrohom was five years old he recognized that Hashem is the sovereign ruler of the universe. Certainly, a great accomplishment for anyone and especially for a youngster specifically indoctrinated with the concept of idol worship and part of society that disdained any belief in a supreme Creator

The Necessity of Wealth

Perhaps one of the biggest questions of life is why are some people blessed with wealth while others struggle financially. Are those who have difficulty making ends meet necessarily evil people that don’t deserve an easier life? Or is there a more profound answer to this question?

Neglecting The Unforgettable

The flood was a global devastation. Mankind was fundamentally eradicated. Only a few select people survived that horrific situation. Yet can we blame the people of that generation? Did they realize the extent of their sins or even imagine the eventual punishment that they would incur?