
During the traveling in the desert, they were bereft of water and complained to Moshe that they were very thirsty. The only available water was bitter and unfit to drink. Moshe took a stick as commanded by Hashem which was caustic and tossed it into the water. The acerbic piece of wood actually sweetened the water allowing the people to quench their thirst.



The time had come for the nation to leave Egypt which was anyhow in ruins and almost completely destroyed. However, before they exited their house of bondage there was a request. At the time when Hashem informed Avrohom that his descendants would be enslaved a promise was made that they would be enriched with the spoils of Egypt.


Do You Hear Me?

When Hashem commanded Moshe to lead the uprising against Pharoah and extricate the nation from bondage, he retorted that they will not believe me. Hashem punished him for that and to insure that their faith would be strengthened he gave Moshe signs to present to the people.


Taking The Lead

The situation in Egypt was precarious at best. Hard labor and oppression were the bread of affliction that our forefathers endured for generations. Battered by their taskmasters and bereft of leadership to inspire them life was difficult and challenging. Then a decree was proclaimed that the children, our future and legacy, should be tossed into the Nile and drowned.


Listen Well

   Yaakov gave Yosef a double portion in the land one for each of his sons. The area which was given to them was ‘conquered’ by Yaakov through his sword and bow. The Aramaic translation of this verse alludes to davening. And the Talmud also refers to the sword and bow as an allusion to davening. 


A One Night Stand

   The entire region was suffering from a famine and the house of Yaakov was no different. He had sent his sons to Egypt to procure food but tragedy had struck when they encountered the viceroy who was visibly cruel to them. Of course, they didn’t realize that he was their brother Yosef and had recognized them and therefore he had a plan in mind of which they were unaware.
