The Story of the Dubno Maggid

17 Tevet  Dubno Maggid: Today is the yahrzeit of Rabbi Jacob ben Wolf Kranz (1741-1804). He was known as the storyteller from Dubno a.k.a. “The Dubno Maggid.” This teacher is most famous for using stories to share very complex ideas in a simple way. He was a true scholar with a deep knowledge of the…


The Lasting Impact of the Baal haTanya

“There is love like fire, and there is love like water.”— The Baal haTanya 24 Tevet: Yehrzeit of the Baal haTanya: Today is the yahrzeit of Rabbi Shneur Zalman (ben Baruch) of Liadi (1745-1812). He displayed extraordinary talent while still a child, but his most lasting accomplishments can be learned out from the many names he is…


Rebbe Reb Zusha

““Better for that man to make himself fall into a fiery furnace than to embarrass his neighbor publicly” Rashbi (Sotah 10B)” Rebbe Reb Zusha:Today is the yahrzeit of Rebbe Reb Meshulem Zusha of Anapol. Of course, this is personal for me, since my son is named after this incredible leader! Why did my wife and…


Rabbeinu Nissim

“Since the ancients have decided, their conclusions may not be set aside.” 9 ShvatRabbeinu Nissim ben Reuven haGerondi is known in shorthand as the RaN. He was born sometime between 1308-1320 and passed on between 1374-1376. The Ran is known as a great halachist and Talmudist, but his greatest impact was on his local community of Barcelona…


Purim in Saragossa

“In Jewish history there are not coincidences”– Elie Weisel Purim Saragossa17 Shvat We just celebrated Tu b’Shvat, the New Year of Trees, a special time to taste unique and delicious fruits. For those of you who are already hungry, Purim is next, with hamentashen and more!  Did you know that the story of Purim repeated itself…


Statute of Jewry

Statute of Jewry24 Shvat  Meanwhile in England: Did you know in England the Jews were known as the property of the crown? It’s interesting that the Jewish people have a very similar idea, we just have a different “king” in mind. On this day in 1253, Henry III issued the Statute of Jewry, of course not…


Make Sure You Are In The Right Gear

The main cause for the appearance of tzora’as, a skin infection, is due to loshon hora, or slanderous speech. The offender is sentenced to remain isolated outside the entire camp of Israel until he repents and then miraculously, the malady will disappear and he will be allowed to enter. Why is his punishment so severe?
