Our Land-His Place

Hashem constantly monitors the happenings in Israel, His ‘eyes’ are forever there from the beginning of the year until its end. Our Sages question this verse since Hashem always supervises the events of the entire world, not just the Land of Israel. They explain that the entire world’s administration is only a result of how Hashem controls and directs the circumstances in Israel.


This Week In Pictures

To say this past week was busy would be an understatement! We enjoyed a powerful Tisha B’Av with special guest speaker Ariel Berkowitz. Our weekly learning continues to grow, and we’re even hard at work for a Cholent Cook-off this weekend with the Akiva Experience! Check it all out in This Week in Pictures.


The Absolute Expression

The well-known declaration that we have used for generations voicing our undying passion and love for Hashem is found in this parsha. Shema, which many of our nation have cried out before sacrificing their lives to sanctify Hashem encompasses a tremendous commitment and devotion accepting Hashem as the omnipotent king of the entire universe.


This Week In Pictures

It is a busy summer here at TJE! Last weekend we enjoyed not one, but 8 different programs from Friday through Sunday! That, plus a special guest speaker at our Wednesday night learning AND a packed Thursday night while our Kiddush Cup teams prepare for their finale! Here is a quick look at it all in This Week in Pictures.


Are We Home?

We are in the midst of one of the greatest calamities of all time, the loss of our Batei Mikdash. Both were destroyed on the same day, Tisha B’av, not a coincidence. When the spies debunked the idea of going to Eretz Yisroel and the entire nation wept bitter tears, they ripped out their innermost attachment to Eretz Yisroel.


What an Offer!

The end of the parsha is a tremendously lengthy discussion of the different sacrifices that we must offer to Hashem. Of course, we must wonder why this discussion is mentioned at this point? Rabbeinu Bachya explains that when Moshe realized that he was not going into Eretz Yisroel he needed to inform them of these important matters, attending to the service in the Mishkan and later the Beis Hamikdash.


Just Do It!

Bilaam finally ‘convinces’ Hashem that he should be allowed to accompany the entourage sent by Balak to curse the Jewish nation. He is warned not to say anything except that which Hashem permits him to but he erroneously believes that he can ‘outsmart’ the Master of the Universe, a common mistake that many evil people make!
